Fight the Frizz after your workout

I sweat at least once a day. I have naturally CURLY hair but straighten it often. As you may know, once naturally curly hair that has been straightened gets wet... it goes right back to curly. I have dealt with my curly hair-line by using a headband after I sweat.  How do you deal with your hair after you sweat and have to head back to work or be presentable for a dinner date with no time to shower!? Here are three hair style ideas from Fab Fit Fun.

This is one purchase I will be making! "Bigger, better, full-on glamorous hair. This invisible dry hair spray builds in incredible volume and sexy texture. Patented polymers absorb oil at the roots, leaving you with just-styled hair for days (and nights)."

Posted on September 2, 2011 and filed under beauty, fitness.