5 Way to Stay Active Outdoors This Winter

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Columbia through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Columbia outerwear, all opinions are my own

This past weekend all of us here in Boston REALLY felt the cold. We had our first snowfall of the season!  As much as I would love to hold onto the milder month of fall, winter is creeping on us. Columbia sent me some fun winter gear to test out and it could not have come at a better time. I got the Turbo Down Jacket. The fit is awesome and I love the sheen texture. One of my favorite parts of the jacket is how light weight it is. When I get to the gym I easily roll it up and stick it in my bag. It fits like magic!

Columbia also sent me these awesome minx boots. They are so snuggly and warm and again the fit is awesome.  They are lightweight and not at all bulky like some boots. I will be making great use of these this winter! I can easily see myself bundling up and going for walks in the boots and the jacket, but it can also transition into great shoveling attire!

5 Ways to Stay Active During the Cold Months!

 One of the hardest parts of winter is staying active. We tend to hibernate and just want to snuggle. Below I have some ideas that may help you break from your hibernation.

1. Be a kid again! Go outside. Play in the snow. Build a snowman. It is amazing how much you can sweat and get in some cardio when you actually forget that you are being active. 

2. Go for a walk or run. Bundle up and get your body moving. If you have the right gear, and you keep your ears, nose, fingers and toes feeling just right then you can do anything outside!

3. Try a new winter sport. I tried skiing many times and just can't get into it. So next time my friends hit the slopes I will opt for snow shoeing. Have you ever been? I think it would be a fun adventure and a good workout!

4. Ice skating anyone? Put on some skates (or rent some) and go to a local skating rink or (FROZEN) pond. I would put on extra padding incase you fall, but I am sure it would be an exciting day.

5. Shovel! Whenever it snows I take shoveling not as a chore but as part of my workout for the day. A lot of people pull their back out from shoveling, but if done correctly you can actually get an awesome workout for your arms, shoulders and abs (especially your obliques from twisting and throwing the snow). But how do you shovel so that you DON'T pull out your back and actually get a workout?

  • Draw your stomach in.
  • Work from your core and not your back.
  • Draw your shoulders away from your ears when you scoop and pull your stomach in when you lift and throw the snow. 

Good luck and make the cold months work for you! XOXO

What kind of activities do you do to stay active during the colder months?

Posted on November 5, 2014 .